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Our Meetup group: Speaking

Past meetings
Discover the ONE gold mine! Read the summaries of our group meetings in India from 2013 to date.
One theme per meeting, variations on this theme accompanied by a selection of hand picked pointers: related texts, video and audio links of different approaches.
(about 60 posts, loading 10 by 10 when scrolling down)

Mar 13, 2020
Till you make it
“Fake it until you make it!” is a well known aphorism that at first glance doesn’t sound very “spiritual”, does it?

Jan 10, 2020
Death & the Deathless
Isn't worrying about death like worrying about what would happen to us if we were to fall off the edge of a flat earth?

May 17, 2019
Zooming out
At this Meetup we will be zooming OUT this time by going through an explicit and comprehensive recent posting by Joan Tollifson.

Apr 20, 2019
A very human and divine experience
There is often a prevailing misconception that humanhood has to be totally discarded, as the creation of Maya...

Mar 30, 2019
Wu Wei
Why are we unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything we think and everything we do is for ourself. And there isn’t one 😃

Mar 9, 2019
The 1st-2nd & 3rd persons
We will have a look at this aspect and might be arriving at puzzling discoveries that uncover the mechanism of our fragmented lives…

Feb 16, 2019
When the fan stops
Even after switching off, a fan continues to spin all by itself for quite some time: we often see this happening in our spiritual life...

Feb 2, 2019
Compulsive thinking
Here is a non exhaustive but rather wide selection of talks on compulsive thinking.

Jan 4, 2019
Exploring “Spiritual dissonance”, which is another mode of avoidance in patching our fears with a handy and comforting “spiritual" concept.

Nov 30, 2018
The hamster wheel
Why do we keep buying round trip tickets?

Nov 2, 2018
The gap
As Jiddu Krishnamurti used to say, in that gap between the subject and the object lies the entire misery of humankind.

Oct 19, 2018
Wild Wild Country an insider view
About "Wild Wild Country” on Netflix, Shanti has offered to share her own journey with Osho’s teachings and the commune in Oregon.

Sep 28, 2018
Deep Sleep
Can we actually be sure that Consciousness knows itself during deep sleep?

Aug 31, 2018
Sysyphus and other devastating tasks
Exploration of a documentary in 2 parts by Daniel J. Schmidt entitled "Samadhi Movie".

Aug 3, 2018
Double Whammy
A double whammy might shake up our confort zone a bit, but might also be quite revealing.

May 4, 2018
Space and time exploration
A key seems to be in clearly understanding what is meant by time and space and wake up to the fact of their inexistence...

Apr 6, 2018
Shipwreck explorations
"Life is just the shipwreck of our plans"

Feb 9, 2018
How deeply?
How deeply to you want to go? Ready for it?

Nov 24, 2017
Amness - Isness
How could this sense of pure Presence, “I am”, devoid of any sensory information, ALSO be equating with the existence of “things”?

Oct 31, 2017
Nothing really matters
"In her final year, my mother said over and over: it’s so freeing to realize that nothing really matters.” writes Joan Tollifson.

Oct 13, 2017
Same landscape, new eyes
We shall not cease from exploration, the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time.

Sep 22, 2017
A very good morning!
What usually happens in the daily morning waking up process? A strange occurrence indeed, though it is completely taken for granted by most.

Sep 1, 2017
A matter of life and death
Is death the opposite of life? Or rather the opposite of birth? Let us try to rediscover Life to be untouched by birth and death.

Apr 18, 2017
Our toolbox - part 2
Our non-dual toolbox - part 2

Mar 27, 2017
Our toolbox - part 1
Our non-dual toolbox - part 1

Mar 3, 2017
Steps or no steps?
Is there a process? how long does it need to be? what are the options? Or perhaps isn't another hamster wheel?

Jan 13, 2017
Chop wood, carry water
"Before Awakening, chop wood, carry water. After Awakening, chop wood, carry water." Zen proverb.

Dec 16, 2016
Is there a world out there?
Is our world of perceptions and thoughts based on practical personal evidence? Or is it just a built in habit, an an unverified assumption?

Nov 25, 2016
On the edge of the Unknown
"I do not negate the world; I see it appearing in consciousness, which is the totality of the known in the immensity of the unknown.
" N.M.

Oct 28, 2016
Let's kill the Buddha
“I am a mailman delivering a conceptual envelope, an inviter to entertain a possibility that is inherent in you." Paul Hedderman

Oct 14, 2016
What about the world?
How Non-duality and the growing movement of Awakening may change the world.

Sep 23, 2016
Probing resistance
Resistance to 'What is', ... otherwise known as the guarantee of suffering!

Sep 2, 2016
An extraordinary absence
The absence of a separate self is the presence of the world, and so the great search for home ends ... where it began.

Aug 12, 2016
Count your blessings, all of them without exception, for they all are an invitation to wake up to your true nature!

Jul 22, 2016
Alive and groundless
From the perspective of open awareness, groundlessness and aliveness are one. There is nothing to hold onto, nothing to “heal"...

Apr 22, 2016
The ocean and its waves
Temperature is rising: let us go to the beach and play with misconceptions about waves and the ocean.

Apr 2, 2016
Reality show
Real / Unreal / Both? What is REALLY happening here? What about putting our finger on the Veil and probe the Void? A show to be discovered!

Mar 11, 2016
To seek or not to seek?
At some point in our journey, we've come across the concept that may come as a bummer or a relief: “Anyway, there is nothing to do!”

Feb 19, 2016
Me / not-me, where is the line?
“When you look at anything, it is the ultimate you see, but you imagine that you see a cloud or a tree”. Nisargadatta Maharaj

Jan 29, 2016
Are you in the world or is the world in you?
"It is your mind that has separated the world outside your skin from the world inside and put them in opposition."

Jan 8, 2016
Myth of self-improvment
What happens when we stop trying to change, fix or even heal ourselves, and radically embrace ourselves exactly as we are today?

Nov 27, 2015
Sense of AWE
Life seems to be a mystery to be lived, not a question to be solved. We are going to explore together the sense of wonder.

Nov 6, 2015
No me no problem
A problem only exists for a person. Thoughts spin a story as they connect an issue to the imaginary me.
No me
No problem”

Oct 16, 2015
What is NOT awareness?
"I always thought that I was me – but no, I was You and never knew it.”
~ Rumi.

Sep 25, 2015
I am That... WTF?
What does it mean - really - I am THAT??

Aug 28, 2015
Hunting the misconceptions
If you think that enlightenment, or “waking up” is an impossible dream that only “happens to” Indian saints or yogis...

Apr 24, 2015
The dead echoes of the past
In our haste of freeing ourselves, trying to get something or somewhere, we overlook the fact that we might not hear this message properly.

Apr 3, 2015
Don't feed the animals!
Unexamined ideas, beliefs and emotional patterns because of our identity which is invested in them, are given a lot of attention.

Mar 6, 2015
Between Safety and Truth
Do we need to keep recreating this false self? Or can we see that this is not what we are?

Feb 13, 2015
Non sticking items
How come that we are not able to experience THIS right now?.
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