"What happens when we stop trying to change, fix or even heal ourselves, and radically embrace ourselves exactly as we are today - flaws, fears, doubts and all?"
At our Meetup in December, Jac pointed out that provided there is self-honesty and courage,we can begin to stop fixing “the one” that we actually think is great... but that we keep on fixing, so actually it feels kind of broken.
“If IT ain't broke, don't fix IT!” On this first Meetup of the year, we came together to examine whether “IT” - “the one” or “what we are really” - needs after all the fixing we believe - or have been made to believe- “IT” needs... on the so-called spiritual path.
There is no doubt that therapies have their place to repair a wounded ego, to build up a healthy identity, to educate ourselves further and further, to lead - why not? - to a fuller and happier life.
Nowadays therapies and therapists of all types abound but let's be clear: by Gangaji ~ 'Satsang Is Not Therapy' - 6’45
And psychotherapy is surely helpful too but will not, unless by chance, take us to a deep understanding of our true nature, let alone to self-realization - or whatever we want to call this presence taking the shape of the totality of our experience from moment to moment.
'Can psychotherapy help on the spiritual path?' - Tony Parsons - 1’30
Some therapists have a non dual understanding that will go beyond repairing “a someone who needs repair” and delicately but surely in due time point to the absence of the someone to be repaired”. “Until we see it, we can't see it. Once we see it, we can't not see it.“ Fred Davis
'Therapy and Non-Dual Understanding' - Rupert Spira - 7’30
After the break, we did A guided Self-Inquiry exercise - Greg Goode - 7”00
And Deepak led a “Were you present?” session while we all sat marveling at the beauty of the exchange.
Let's go wild! Bonus track as a New Year gift for us to listen in the privacy of our home ;-)
Is self-inquiry useful? - Tony Parsons - 1’30
In the history of this Meetup group, there never was such a big number of people in that room, with some new faces, even including several therapists(!). Yet there never were such focus and consensus... And much togetherness and deep moments of silence.