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In depth articles or transcripts about non-duality published in "3ème millénaire" magazine and other sources.

(Translated from French mostly)

In French only

Book cover.jpg
Une vie libére.jpg
Articles: Speaking
Search for...
the search!


3ème millénaire - Winter 2023



English translation coming soon....

PDF-numero-150 extrait Didier Weiss.jpg
The first necessity

Auroville today magazine (July 2022):

Can you speak about your inner development after you joined Auroville?

Auroville Today - tittle.png
Articles: Welcome
A non dual toolbox

Recto Verseau magazine - July 2022

3 tools decribed here

(English translation in process, coming soon !)

Recto Verseau 342.jpg
Articles: Welcome
Free will

Transcript of an OLAM zoom meeting - Nov 2021

Didier in conversation with Alain Eskenazi about Free Will


Is death real?

3ème millénaire - Autumn 2016

From our first to our last breath, the gloomy threat of Death tirelessly prowls like a vulture above our human condition.

« Remember you are dust

and to dust you shall return. »

(Genesis 3:19)

PDF-numero-121-La mort.jpg
Articles: Welcome


reiterating itself

3ème millénaire - Summer 2017

« In the crowd of the pilgrimage, I got lost ... So I went down to the police station to declare the loss of myself. A nearby officer slapped my cheek so hard that it turned red and went on asking: "Tell me, who is this guy?" Instantly, I became aware of myself and was very happy to meet myself again. » (Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj)


Emotions in non-duality

3ème millénaire - Spring 2019

In most of the so-called spiritual circles, emotions do not have a very good press. They are supposedly the cradle of the greatest evils in the universe, the main reason for inner and outer conflicts, the origin of our fragmented lives.

Articles: Welcome

Doing or not doing?

3ème millénaire - Automn 2019

Free will in question...

Articles: Welcome

Interview by Jean-Louis Accarias

Meditation France - November 2016

What happened to you, even if nothing happened?

16-11-19 Entretien avec Jean Louis Accar
Articles: Welcome
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