Our group hosted a "special event": Shanti shared her personal experience of being a disciple in the 80’s and 90’s of Osho in New York City, Oregon and Pune and her reflections on the W.W.C. docuseries of the controversial Oregon commune released this year.
Thank you Shanti for your candidness, we especially enjoyed your vivid demonstration of Osho "dynamic meditation”!and your description of the gibberish and mystic rose meditations designed by Osho.
Here are the links of a few short videos that we watched together as illustrations of Osho’s provocative sense of humour and his spiritually incorrect message meant to disturb people: "By disturbing them, I make them think”.
This particular extract OSHO: There Is No Goal - YouTube reminded some of us of Alan Watts’s joyful lecture on "The Human Game": Alan Watts - Life Is A Dance - YouTube